Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Embryo updates, Transfer Day and Princess Days

So as everyone read we were able to collect 15 eggs during our egg retrieval, and they told us that they would start fertilizing them and then would call us on Day 1 and Day 3 to let us know how we were progressing.

6/18: Day 1 Embryo Assessment yesterday (6/17) we collected 15 eggs, they noticed 11 were mature eggs (which is what we want) and after fertilizing them we have 9 eggs going strong. We will hear more on Monday and transfer day will be Wednesday June 22nd.

6/20: Day 3 Embryo Assessment was today, on Saturday we had 11 mature eggs 9 of those fertilized. Today when they called they told me anything that is 6 cells or higher would most likely make it to day 5 which is the day we implant. So out of the 9 mature eggs today we have 8! On Wednesday we will decide how many to implant. Yay!

**Side note if you read my Facebook you already saw those posts but I wanted to share for those who hadn't read them. 

I found this on Google and got a laugh.

6/21: Day before Transfer day- Well to start off we got a phone call from Amberlie, she told me that I would need to arrive at the clinic at 12:30 pm (tomorrow) to take my Valium and that the procedure would be at 1 pm. I asked a few questions and then went on with the day. I got some great news today my best friend Ashley had her sweet baby girl, they named her Aria Noel. I was able to see pictures of her but didn't want to bother Ashley too much so she could recover. My mom, Emily, Justin and I went and saw the Jungle Book and went to The Blaze pizza for dinner.  After that my cousin Kristen invited us over to watch the USA Men's soccer game. The game was a let down. :(

I had trouble sleeping that night, mostly anxious and some nerves kept me tossing and turning. I think I finally fell asleep by 2:30 and woke up around 8 when Emily left to the temple with some friends. I got up and washed my face the normal wake up routine, but I was so tired I laid back down to try and get some more sleep. I wasn't successful, instead I went downstairs to eat breakfast and then got ready for the day. After that I was able to FaceTime Ashley and see baby Aria it was good to see them both. 

12:20 pm.- We arrived at the clinic and checked in, the nurse told me to go ahead and take the Valium if I hadn't already. Boy did it work, any nerves or anxiety I felt was soon gone. I just laid on Justin's shoulder and watched Tv until Lindsay called us back. Side note she is one of my favorite nurses! She told me the normal routine undress from the waist down and that Dr. Conway would be in to talk about our Embroys in a few minutes. While I sat on the table waiting I remember looking up at the screen of the ultrasound machine and bursting into laughter, confused by this Justin asked what was so funny? I told him I didn't know but that for some reason I couldn't stop laughing. He just laughed at me and Dr. Conway came in a couple minutes later.

My lucky socks the clinic gave me, super cute! 

She let us know that out of the 8 embryos we had two grade 2 embryos which is strong, no one really ever gets a grade 1. She said they wanted to "Blast" (not sure what the exactly meant) the remaining 5 embryos tonight and that they would call me to let me know how many we would be able to freeze once they knew. After that she said "so you want to transfer both today?" And we both agreed that was what we would like to do. Dr. Conway stepped out to put on her hair net and mask and gloves and then came back in prepared for transfer. The embryologist came in shortly after and we were able to watch Dr. Conway transfer our 2 embryos.

Waiting for the Dr.

our strongest embryos

its hard to see but the bright air bubble is where the embryos are (towards the left)

After we were done I had to lay on the bed for 15-20 minutes, once that was over we drove back to my parents house and I went straight upstairs to begin my bed rest "princess days."  The first half day wasn't too terrible as most the day was gone anyway but I am not someone who can sit still for very long especially not in the same place. But lucky me I had my amazing husband, mom and sister to keep me busy.

Princess Day 1: My morning started off with my sweet husband making me breakfast, followed by Emily and I catching up on 2 of our favorite tv shows the Bachelorette and Pretty Little Liars. After that my sweet family entertained me with playing a couple board games with me in bed. We played "Sorry" and "Disney Trivia" (of course if you know me I love Disney). After that I took a little nap and then we watched a movie as a family.

Emily french braided my hair

Zupas for dinner so spoiled! 

Princess Day 2: I was really wanting waffles and Justin promptly went downstairs found a recipe and made them for me. He's a sweetheart! After that Justin and I watched Elementary and had lunch. His sister was moving into her new house that night so he went to help her move and my mom and I watched Downton Abbey. So all in all my 2 days of bed rest weren't as bad as I thought.

My yummy waffles

So what's next you ask? Well we will be taking a blood pregnancy test on Friday July 1st. I know that I have been pretty open during this whole process and haven't left much out. But since this is pretty big to Justin and I we have decided regardless the outcome we will wait until we are ready to let everyone know either a yes or a no. We will tell our family most likely that day, but you will probably not see anything on Facebook or this blog for awhile. I hope you call all understand and appreciate our reasons for waiting. I want to take this time to let you all know how grateful Justin and I are for your continued love and support. The outpouring of love and prayers on our behalf have touched us! We are truly grateful and feel so blessed to have so many wonderful family and friends. Please continue to pray for us, we are excited, anxious and a little nervous but mostly EXCITED! Again thank you so, so much for everything we love you all!

The Almonds

Friday, June 24, 2016

IVF Update: Trigger Shot and Egg Retrieval Day

I really have been awful at keeping up to date on my blog, so I guess now that I am on bed rest this is the perfect time to sit down and catch everyone up. Okay so let's begin. In my last post I let everyone know that we had began a 3rd shot and we were waiting to hear about egg retrieval day.

Appointment 6/14- We went in like normal had an intrauterine ultrasound and they drew my blood, then I went back to my mom's house to wait for our call with the update. We got a phone call from Amberlie around 4 saying that we were really close and that Dr. Conway would like us to come back in tomorrow 6/15 for another ultrasound and blood draw.

Wednesday 6/15- We did the shots a little early as my appointment was double booked and we had to be there by 8 am (which is when I would do the injections). Same routine as the day before ultrasound then the blood draw and back to my parents to wait. In the meantime Justin and I went to the Temple with my mom, it was so great to go back to the temple we were married in.  We got a call from Amberlie again around 4 saying we ready to start the trigger shot and that we would be doing our egg retrieval on Friday 6/17. Yay! We were given very specific instructions to follow in order to have the retrieval done so I took note as instructed. I was told to give myself the trigger shot at 9 pm sharp on tonight and that that would be my last shot unless instructed otherwise. Double yay!!! She told me to refill my Zpack and that I would start that after the retrieval. We were to check in on Friday at 8:30 and that my procedure would be at 9 am. So we were on our way finally!

Love this man of mine! 

After that me, my mom, Emily and Carla went to get pedicures while the boys hung out. Afterwards we got pizza and played some games. Justin mixed the shot that night at 8:50 as I didn't want to be late injecting it and Carla (my sister in law) was so intrigued she asked if she could watch, so of course I let her. :) 

Our cute summer toes! 

I forgot to get a picture of the actual shot so here is the box. ;)

Thursday 6/16- Was a relaxing stress free day, first off I got to sleep in (which for me meant I got up at 8 am instead of 7:30). But I'll take it as sleeping in because I didn't have to do any shots!! :) Justin took some medication he was instructed to begin this morning and we went about our day doing whatever we wanted. Around 11 am the anesthesiologist called to go over my medical history with me and reminded me that I could not have anything to eat or drink after Midnight. I was so anxious for it to be Friday already and to be honest I can't really remember what we did Thursday.

Friday 6/17- Its Egg Retrieval Day! I woke up around 7:30 and went in and brushed my teeth, I was told I could brush my teeth but that I couldn't have swallow any water, after that I changed into some comfortable leggings and a T-shirt. I didn't have to do much to get ready as I was not allowed to wear makeup, lotion, perfume etc. I woke Justin up after 8 and we headed to the clinic to check in at 8:20. Okay can I just tell you that we waited for what seemed like forever! I was so anxious and also nervous as I had only been under anesthesia once but I was a baby so I didn't remember anything about the experience. Justin was called back before I was to get his sample and then I was taken back to our room, I was instructed to undress and put on a gown and that the anesthesiologist would be in to put the IV in. Now I forgot to mention Amberlie told me that Justin would be allowed in the room with me until the procedure started but he never came in. :( So I was even more nervous but Russel (the anesthesiologist was really nice and I didn't really feel the IV go in. All I remember was he told me okay Dr. Conway will be in in a minute, she'll have a conversation with you, you won't remember it and then you'll wake up and we'll be all done. Yep that's just what happened, I heard Dr. Conway say how do you feel? I said tired and the next thing I know I am being told that we're all done and to get up and they escorted me down the hall to recovery.

Justin took a video but apparently its not that funny so we'll just do the picture instead. 

Okay so you remember how I said I don't know how I am on anesthesia? Well I guess I am a cryer even on drugs haha! I kept crying and asking for Justin, when he came in I said "where were you!?" He informed me he was in the waiting room and that everything went well. Then I said "is this still in me?" (the IV) He told me yes but they would come remove it soon. The nurse came in and saw me crying and asked what was wrong haha Justin just told her it must be my reaction to the drugs and she chuckled. :) She let us know that Dr. Conway would be in soon and that we would know more on how many eggs we retrieved. She came in maybe 2 minutes after that and informed us we got 15 eggs and that they would start fertilizing them. She told me we would get a phone call on Saturday and Monday to let us know how they were doing. After that the nurse came back in and gave us some instructions and told us we could head home whenever we felt ready. I was tired off and on for the rest of the day but I only napped once. 

That night we celebrated Father's Day early for my dad since he was going to a scout camp with my brother Brady all next week. We had a homemade stir fry and angel food cake dessert it was yummy!

Sorry that was a very long update, its what I get for waiting so long to post, but stay tuned I have more to write. :)

Monday, June 13, 2016

IVF Updates!

Appointment Saturday 6/11/16-

Okay so I haven't been very good about writing like I said I would, so I will try and do my best as we are getting closer to the procedure days. This last week I went in to see Stephanie at the Idaho Falls Office, while I was there she informed me that she would be gone this weekend and that I would have to go to the Pleasant Grove Office for monitoring. After talking with Justin we decided that we would just take the next 2 weeks off of work since we were getting closer to the procedure dates.

Seriously guys I don't think I have ever packed so much in my life, even when we went to Disney World and our Cruise I think that this trip was the most I had to pack for ever! I had 2 duffle bags, one for our clothes the other had all the bathroom things. You know like shampoo, hairspray that kind of stuff. In hind sight I should've left that all at home as I have my mom and sister I am staying with, too late! Then of course we had to bring the entire pharmacy along with us. So that was another cooler and a bag just of the meds, needles, and sharps containers. Oh and of course I couldn't leave without my sweet friends IVF survival kits they made me. You remember the post about my best friends sweet gift, well my sweet visiting teacher brought over a bag of "goodies" too,

Well before we left we got to have dinner with Justin's mom and dad and sister Melissa, lucky for us she brought sweet baby Claire too so I got to snuggle her before we headed to Utah. We got on the road last night (Friday) at 8:45 and arrived a little after 11 pm. I was so exhausted! It took me, my brother, my sister, Justin and my dad to unload our car, yeah I told you I had to bring everything with me. So glad my family is so sweet!

We had our first appointment with the Utah Fertility Clinic this morning (Saturday)  at 9:30 am, I thought we were meeting with Dr. Conway but we met with her nurse practitioner instead. She was so sweet! We did the usual check up to measure my follicles to see how I was doing, she informed me that we were measuring at 13 MM and were on track. She then had me go and get some blood work done. Once that was over she informed us that someone would call with the results.

Around 11 am Saturday  we got a call saying that Dr. Conway was pleased with our results and that we didn't need to come see her as scheduled on Sunday 6/12 so we got to take that day off! Yay! She also told us that we will begin our Ganirelix shot Sunday so now we have 3 shots. Scary!  We will go back on Monday 6/13 to see where we are from there.

Here are the 3 shots we did Sunday morning, it really wasn't as bad as I thought. 

Appointment 6/13/16-

As scheduled we headed to the Fertility clinic at 8:40 for our 8:45 appointment, we are so lucky that my parents live 2 minutes from the clinic instead of the 45 minutes it takes in Idaho to get up to Idaho Falls. We got there right on time and waited for about 5 minutes before going into our usual room #2. I joked today that that was our lucky number only because in the two times I've visited this office we always get that room.  But I think she took me serious and said it must be a sign LOL. Well we had a new nurse check us today her name was Chelsea and she was also really friendly. I have been really impressed with how nice and caring everyone at this clinic is.

Well it was the same routine just the ultrasound and blood work, we talked about how the endometrioma is blocking so much of my left ovary that it's really hard to tell how big the follicles are measuring, Stephanie already had warned me that we may not get as many eggs on my left side but its still good to check how they are measuring. Chelsea didn't say where I was measuring at today as of Saturday the follicles were at 13 MM so hopefully we're getting closer to the 18 MM mark.

Brittney called from the office at around 4:30 pm and told us that we are still on track and that Dr. Conway wants us to continue on the medications and to come back tomorrow 6/14 for more blood work and another ultrasound. My fingers are crossed that we'll know more on egg retrieval day by tomorrow! But we're still in good spirits, my family and Justin's have been so supportive with calls and fun times together to keep my mind on other things instead of worrying. Well I will keep you all posted when I know more tomorrow, Until then! - The Almonds

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Sunday Thoughts On Prayer

In my life I don't think I have prayed  for one thing as much as I have to start our family. Seriously sometimes I think okay Heavenly Father has got to be so sick of hearing from me. But then I always hear people say to continue to pray so I guess he's not that sick of me. :) With today being fast Sunday Justin and I asked our family and friends to keep us in their thoughts and prayers, I know I keep saying this but I have been so amazed by the amount of love and kindness we've received and continue to receive.

Prayer has been a blessing in my life, not only during this trial but all trials I have been through. Most times I don't feel worthy to be able to kneel down and ask my Father in Heaven for blessings but honestly I think that is when I need to pray and He needs to hear from me most. Have you ever heard the term convenient friend? Well I sometimes feel as though I am a convenient prayer, and I hate that about myself. So I have been trying extra hard to not just pray when I am struggling but to make it a daily habit and to express my gratitude for the incredible blessings that I am blessed with day in and day out.

I wanted to thank each and everyone of you who have been so kind as to keep Justin and I in your thoughts and prayers. I wish that I could reach out to all of you individually to let you know how much I love and appreciate you, but I thought this might be easier as there are so many of you! So Thank you! From the bottom of my heart, whether you be friend, family or stranger who has read my blog. No matter who you are I want you to all know how much I love and appreciate your thoughtfulness. I will forever cherish this trial as it has brought me closer to my husband, family, friends and helped me meet some new friends. Not many people say this, and I know I've said it before but I am grateful for this trial and I can't wait to see the journey it takes Justin and I on.

Friday, June 3, 2016

IVF Update: Stop then Go....

Okay so I decided that I should give everyone an update because my Facebook and Instagram post was pretty vague. So as many of you know if you are following me that we began Day one of our shot calendar this week on Wednesday June 1st. If you didn't know that now you do. :) I will begin there and hopefully be able to keep this short, but we'll see I tend to ramble.

Tuesday night I got everything ready and decided that if I was going to get a decent nights sleep that I should take a sleeping aid, nothing too major just an Advil PM. So at 10:30 pm Justin and I headed off to be. And I slept so well, I really worried that I would toss and turn all night due to being anxious and nervous but I ended up sleeping through the night. 6:30 am my alarm went off and it was June 1st and our 1st day of shots.

I woke up and took a hot shower, I read that the heat helped your body to relax and could help make the shots easier to handle. I then got ready for work and Justin's alarm went off at 7:30 am. He was so sweet to wake up early to help me administer the shots. He even watched the shot videos Tuesday night to make sure he knew what he was doing. I told him I wanted to watch with him but he told me he didn't want me to worry about the shots that he would do them for me. My hero!!

Justin promptly went to the kitchen and prepared the two injections, it was fun to watch him, because he is going to Pharmacy school I had no doubt he would be good at this but I am worry wart and wanted to make sure he followed all the directions carefully. Now in reading other blogs and hearing about IVF most people put the shots in their belly, but according to the video Justin watched they said you could put it in the back fat of the arm. So Justin being the sweet guy he is told me he didn't want my stomach to be irritated all day since I sit at work. So we decided to give my arm a try.

Shot #1 burned as anticipated, I think because I was so anxious and knew what to expect once Justin injected the shot I lost my composure. I cried, but just a few tears and told him that it burned! He kept saying its okay babe it will all be worth it and he is right! Shot #2 I didn't even feel him inject it, so that was nice. After the shots were done I went in and did my hair then brushed my teeth and we headed to Idaho Falls for my Ultrasound and Blood work.

Baseline Ultrasound- When we got to the Dr's office we got to see Stephanie again for the first time since January. Stephanie is going to be the Dr. in Idaho Falls once the clinic is fully functional and able to do IVF there, so she will do all my ultrasounds before our actual procedure. We chatted for a bit while walking back to the room, she had me undress from the waist down and then come in to check my uterus. She asked me if I had started my month cycle because my uterine walls was really thick. I told her not yet but that it would be soon as I had noticed some spotting and discharge. Then she asked me about the shots and I told her how sweet Justin was and how he had tried them in my arm. Surprised by this she asked us why? I told her it was in the video and Justin said " I didn't want her stomach to be irritated while sitting at work. She kindly told us we were wrong without saying that of course. :) She explained why it was supposed to be in my stomach and we told her that we would do it there going forward. She printed off the pictures she needed and told us we were good to go do the blood work and that Amberlie my coordinator would call me at the end of the day with results.

Blood work- I don't know if I will ever get used to this, I know that is what everyone keeps saying to me. "One you get pregnant you'll be poked a lot so get used to it." But seriously, how do you get used to someone shoving a needle in your arm and taking your blood? Anyway we drove to Idaho Fall's Express Lab to get our blood work done, I informed the nurse of my fear of needles. She told me to not look and then promptly wrapped the band around my arm and shoved, and I mean shoved the needle in my arm. I winced a bit and she quickly filled the vile that she needed. After she wrapped it we left and I complained that it hurt but Justin quickly shushed me as she was walking right behind us. I waited until we were in the car and then I wined about how much that hurt and how mad I was that she would do that. We then headed back home to mail our huge payment to the Fertility clinic and then headed back to work.

Phone Call- I played a bit of phone tag that evening with Amberlie as I was still at work until 5:30, but we were able to talk finally at a quarter to 6. She informed me that because I had taken my shots that morning before blood work was done that my estrogen levels weren't where they should've been and that due to my period not starting on time my uterine lining wasn't measuring where they wanted either. So she told me to stop the injections and wait until my period, if it came by Friday I needed to go back to Idaho Falls to repeat the Baseline Ultrasound and I was already scheduled for blood work so I would need to do that too. She said that after all that was done another coordinator would call me with a new schedule. {She was headed out of town} She also instructed me that if I didn't start by Friday I needed to cancel the appointment and then call her on my cycle day one. I am pretty sure that in my whole adult life I have never wished for my cycle to start, but that day I wanted it more than anything. Mainly because I really didn't want to wait until almost July to do the procedure. Well my wish came true and I started on Thursday so we were on for my appointment Friday.

Friday's appointment- I woke up at 6:30 am again took a shower and got ready for work, I then headed off to Pocatello's Express Lab to get my blood work done as instructed to do so before my 11 am appointment in Idaho Falls. I arrived a little after they opened at 8 am and was able to get right in. The nurse who took my blood this time was very careful not to shove my needle in as I explained my right arm was bruised from last time, and asked if she could use my left arm today. After that I headed to work until 10 am and then drove over to Idaho Falls. I arrived 10 minutes early and headed in to see Stephanie. This time it was good news! My uterine lining was measuring at a 4.5 instead of 7 and the blood work results came in later and the Fertility office called and said we were on schedule. Yay! {I think....:)} So now we are back on for shots. I got my new June calendar today and tomorrow at 8 am sharp we will start up the injections again. Thankfully we were only delayed by 2 days so it won't be so close to July as I thought. That was a relief.

New June Calendar 

My amazing best friend Ashley made me this cute IVF survival basket, don't know what I would do without this amazing and caring friend of mine! Love you Ash! 

Well friends and family, as always thank you for your love and support. We are so lucky to have great friends and family. Everyone has been so kind and encouraging! We love you all, please continue to keep us in your prayers!

IVF: Medication Delivery Day 5.25.16.

I thought that when my coordinator Amberlie sent me the IVF calendars that that meant this got real, I was definitely wrong about that. When I got the call from Integrity Rx about our medications and was given the total my mouth about hit the floor....My goodness I never thought that I would spend so much money on medication in my life. Well a little over $3K later and I was informed that our medications would be shipped by May 25th. I wasn't sure what to expect, I was talking with my co workers and over exaggerated by stating "I bet there will be like a million boxes on my front porch tomorrow." Haha we got a good laugh about that then and after the medications arrived.

 Luckily Justin had Tuesday off so I didn't have to worry about rushing home to put the box(s) inside the house, I informed him that it was his job to take pictures of the box(s) for me and he reluctantly agreed. {He hates that I want pictures of everything, but little does he know that'll never stop!}At 10:30 am I received an email stating the shipment had arrived so I called Justin. He told me that the meds came in one big box so my millions of boxes theory went out the window. haha :)

When I got home we took everything and laid it out on the kitchen table, since we live in such a tiny apartment I wasn't sure where else to put it. So for now it will clutter up my kitchen table, which is fine since we eat dinner mostly on the coach or on our coffee table. Well once I started to see how much medicine was actually in the box I started to get a little overwhelmed and scared. Justin knew instantly how I was feeling because he called me out on it. I told him he was right and he sat down with me and talked me through it all. {He's a keeper for sure}

Now we wait, yep the waiting game continues. We will begin our first round of shots on Wednesday June 1st and for now I am relieved to have a few days before I will begin the shots. The shots came before Memorial Weekend and I was preoccupied with my cute 4 nephews and brother and sister in law. Which was much needed as we don't get to see them nearly enough. Well for now I will be enjoying my last few days of being shot/needle poked free and will keep you all posted going forward.

Thank you as always for all the love and support, we're lucky to have such amazing people in our lives. Until next time! -The Almonds

P.s. Later we found out that one of the medications wasn't ordered so we just received that round of shots today 6.3.16.