Lexi you are now 7 months old and it's almost Fall! That is my favorite season and I am very excited to share that with you. There are so many fun Holidays coming up and your dad and I can't wait to share them with you. But for now we will just focus on taking it one month at a time, maybe then this year will slow down a bit haha!
This month was filled with a lot of family things, not just with your dad and I but with my side of the family. The first day of September was Grandma Pope's Birthday and to celebrate with her since we couldn't be in Utah your dad and I FaceTimed grandma with you and she was so happy. We also went to Costco a few days before her birthday and printed her off some pictures of you which also made her day!
You got to help mommy in her church calling by coming to a Back to School Night Relief Society activity, you were really clingy that night and wouldn't let anyone else hold you. Which I had a love and hate relationship with that night, only because I was in charge and felt like I wasn't really able to help out very much, but I love that you like to be with me. This day was also a sad one as mommies grandma Harris passed away that night in her sleep. But I know that she is in a much better place and I am so glad she is reunited with Grandpa and aunt Connie.
Grandpa and Grandma Pope came to visit us for a day and they were nice enough to take us back to Utah with them for a whole week! While there we got to celebrate my birthday, which I might add you loved! You got to try cake for the first time, which was an accident at first since you were sitting with me and double fisted my cake but it was so cute! We also celebrated Grandpa's birthday since we were down for my Grandma's funeral and his birthday was that Saturday. It was so fun to do a combined birthday with him, that was something that was a little tradition when I was growing up since my birthday and my dad's birthday are a few days apart. That week was spent with lots of movies, treats, a trip to the park, shopping, laughs and love. So grateful that we have such a wonderful family! I couldn't have asked for a better day, the only thing that would have made it better was if your dad could've been with us.
Grandmas Harris's funeral was also this month before we came back home we got to celebrate her wonderful life. I am so sad that she didn't get to officially meet you, we were able to visit her once before she died but she was so sick that I don't think she quite knew who we were. But I know that she loves you and I and would be so happy for our little family. It was so much fun for me to introduce you to a lot of my family who didn't get to meet you yet. You were so cute in your black polka dot dress everyone kept saying how much you look like your daddy! Hopefully one day you'll start to look a little like me too ;) Daddy met us in Malad where Grandma was buried, he was so happy to see us! He was so sweet and kept telling me how much he missed his girls that week we were gone, I hope you know how lucky you and I are to have him in our lives. When we got home daddy surprised me with my birthday gift, he made me a beautiful shelf that had coat hooks to help declutter our full coat closet. :) It is so beautiful your dad is one talented guy!
Well little sis, you continue to grow and grow. You are 16 lbs. and you are still wearing 3-6 month clothing. We have you in size 2 diapers but we're thinking you are close to being ready for size 3 we'll contemplate that a bit (haha). You are sitting up all on your own and while we were in Utah you started to reach for toys more and get up on your knees. You still really love solid foods and while in Utah you were also introduced to table foods which you LOVED! You are getting a little better about being on your tummy and are rolling from front to back and back to front. You are taking 2 naps a day now and you only wake up about 1-2 times a night, if I am lucky you usually wake up once and sleep the rest of the morning which is so nice! Still no teeth yet but it looks like you might be starting to get your bottom teeth. You are such a cheeser you give us the cutest little gummy smiles and we love to make you laugh. We do the silliest things to get you to laugh but those are what get you the most. I am loving watching you learn and interact daily and I feel so lucky that I get to be at home with you! I hope you know how loved you are little Lexi, we feel so lucky to have you in our family.