Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Lexi Anne: 8 Months

October 16, 2017

Happy First Halloween Lexi! I can't believe we are already to Halloween, its crazy how fast this time is flying by. I also can't believe you are 8 months old! Seems like yesterday you just turned a month old and I was leaving the hospital...FINALLY! :) Now you are a busy and social little baby, and we love it!

This month has been so fun, we went with Aunt Dorothy and cousin Mariah to a pumpkin patch for your first time. You loved the pumpkins and were really interested in what they were. You were so stinkin' cute sitting on top of the big pumpkins, you immediately started to explore them to figure out what they were. We had so much fun taking pictures of you and watching you get excited.

Pumpkin Patch fun! 

We also got to go and visit Grandpa and Grandma Almond in Nampa this month. Your dad had a school event so we took that as an opportunity to go and visit. We also got to see Aunt Kristin, Uncle Artie, Dillon and Caleb. Aunt Melissa, Uncle Chase, Cohen and Claire. While we were there we were lucky enough to go as a family and visit the new Meridian Temple, it is so BEAUTIFUL! You loved the lights once again. I think one of my favorite rooms was the celestial room, the chandelier was breath taking. While in Nampa we also got together with our friends Dusty, Courtney and Clara, Courtney was so nice and took our family pictures for us. The last picture of us as a family was taken in the hospital so it was definitely time for an updated one. :) They turned out so cute, you look so big in a few shots so I am glad that we were able to get some taken.

 Family pictures! 

Meridian Temple:

We got to celebrate your first Halloween with you! I have been waiting so long for us to be able to do family costumes and I can't wait for the many more years we get to do this. This year we couldn't decide what we wanted to be, we kept going back and forth and then time got away from us. So we found a cute bear zip up for you and decided that we would be Papa bear, Mama bear and you would be the baby bear. You looked so cute, I decided to add bows to your ears that way people would know you were a girl. :) We got to go and visit my friends from my previous job, it was so fun to see everyone again.We also went to our ward trunk or treat, everyone kept commenting on how cute you were! You loved watching everyone in their costumes you were such a trooper as we took you around to the different Halloween festivities! I can't wait to see how you react next year when you will actually be able to walk and say Trick or Treat!

This month you learned how to officially crawl! It was so fun to watch you go from sitting, to getting up on your knees and then figuring out how to move your arms and legs. You look so dang cute and are pretty proud of yourself. You like to follow me around the house and when you make it to the kitchen you like to lay on your belly and pound the floor. You like the sound it makes, its really cute! You also said your first word this month....MOM! Sorry daddy :) You don't say it a lot but when you do I can't help but smile. You also like to say Hi, sometimes when we are out and about you will say it to people. Mostly you just say it to us or family but we love it! We're working on Dada or dad but so far you just smile when we say it to you.

 Little lady you don't ever slow down, now that you have mastered crawling you are onto the next thing. Lately we've found you standing up all by yourself and not holding onto anything! You are so strong! Granted that only lasts for a few seconds before you fall onto your bum, but still. Ugh, you're trying to grow up too fast! You also tried to stand up in the bath tub and learned the hard way that isn't very safe, but you still really love your baths! On October 7th you cut your very first tooth, and on October 25th we found a second tooth came through. Your dad likes to say you got your two front teeth before Christmas, but I remind him that the ones you have are on the bottom so technically you could still get your two front teeth for Christmas. Anyway you won't let us look at them or get a picture so we have to feel, but it's cute when you smile to see those little pearly teeth. You have tried a few new foods this month. You liked trying avocado, tuna, mac and cheese and you also like pumpkin (definitely your dads girl). You are still wearing some 3-6 month clothing but you are starting to grow out of them so mostly you wear 6 months and occasionally something 6-9 month (every brand is so different size wise, so it's hard to tell without trying it out). We bumped you up to size 3 diapers which seems much better and not as snug. Sadly you got your first cold this month so we took you into the doctors to make sure you didn't have any ear infections etc. Luckily you didn't and the doctor said you were getting over it, while there we decided to see how much you weighed. You are 16 and a half pounds! I wish I would have asked them to get your height but doctor says you are growing as you should.

I am so excited for this Holiday Season and can't wait to share many more memories with you as a family. We love you Lexi!