Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Hailey Jane: 4 months


Hailey girl you’re 4 whole months today! I can’t seem to wrap my head around it, time is such a thief. What a month we’ve had with you, you were blessed on the first, you started laughing this month, we moved into our new home and you will have your first Thanksgiving tomorrow. I love the holidays with you girls! 

You had your doctors appointment this morning and doctor said you’re doing great! You continue to grow at each appointment (at your own growth scale haha). This month you weigh 11.5 pounds and are 23 inches long, still our tiny girl but you have some pretty cute rolls! We love you so much and are so glad you’re part of our family! 

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Hailey’s Blessing Day


Hailey Jane, today you were given the sweetest blessing from your dad. It was a beautiful blessing and day, the sun was shining and the temperature was so nice. You are so loved little girl, you were surrounded by grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins and of course your parents and adoring big sister. 

Because of the virus we decided to keep things small, we had people coming from out of town too so we didn’t want to risk spreading any unnecessary germs. You wore the same dress I did for my blessing day, your grandma Pope crocheted it 32 years ago and it looks just like it did in my pictures. You were a little fussy today but during the blessing you were quiet, everyone kept saying you knew it was your special day because  if we weren’t near you then you’d cry. We had such a great time celebrating our tiniest blessing!