Sunday, February 28, 2021

Hailey Jane: 7 Months


Seven months baby girl, how? That is so crazy to me. I seriously have a love hate relationship with you growing up. While it’s hard knowing you won’t stay a baby forever, it’s so fun watching you learn and grow daily! 

We’ve been working more with you on tummy time, rolling and sitting up. You’re very close to being able to sit on your own, you like your high chair and bumbo but you do not like to sit up in shopping carts. Tummy time and rolling still aren’t your favorite but you can roll from belly to back and lately have been rocking from your back to one side, so slowly but surely we’ll get there. 

This month you went on your first road trip with mommy and daddy to Saint George Utah. We sadly didn’t get any pictures but you did pretty good both on the drive and sleeping in a new place. Daddy went golfing with some friends and the girls all went and did some shopping! 

You have become more and more aware of meal times, you’ve also started to eat more solids than last month. You like apple sauce, sweet potatoes, bananas, tiny orange pieces, sometimes carrots, peas and green beans. But I think the fruits are your favorites. I introduced you to baby snacks like yogurt melts and banana flavored puffs and you also seem to enjoy those too. 

We didn’t have any doctor appointments this month but you go in for a booster flu shot in March so we’ll check your weight then. You’re out of size 2 diapers and now wear 3’s. You’ve also grown out of 3-6 month clothes and are wearing 6-9 months and no longer use your sleep sack at night, such a big girl! 

We sure love you sweet Hailey Janey! 

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Lexi Anne: 4 Years Old


Lexi you are 4 years old today, you have been waiting for your birthday since Christmas and it’s finally here!! Everyday you’ve been waking up asking “is it my birthday?” Or you will tell me “mom, look I am getting bigger and bigger!” Oh how we love you!! 

This year because you love Toy Story so much I decided to do a Toy Story theme for your decorations. I have to say I am pretty pleased with how it all came together. Most of the stuff we had at home and I really only had to buy a couple things, you were so excited when I hung it all up. This year we also decided to do a small party at your favorite trampoline place, Geronimos! You invited 9 friends, you all got to jump for an hour, eat pizza, cupcakes and ice cream and really just enjoy being with your friends! 

Mommy and Daddy wanted to get you a big girl bike so we took you to Fred Meyers and we let you pick a bike, helmet and some knee and elbow pads. Since it’s winter and we have had a lot of snow this week we took you in the basement to practice riding, you’re doing pretty good already!! 

Your favorite color is pink, you love doughnuts, all things music related right now and Toy Story! You’ve  been working really hard doing chores to earn prizes and the only thing you’ve been asking for lately is a harmonica, lucky for you grandpa and grandma almond were able to get you a fun music set that had that and a lot more to tide you over for a long time. (we hope) :) You’re still loving preschool and your teacher says you’re very animated. (I can only imagine haha)  You are such a kind, smart girl and loving sister, we’re so blessed to have you in our family! 

Happy Birthday my sweet Lexi Anne!!