Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Hailey Jane: 10 Months


Sweet Hailey I can’t believe we’re two months away from you being ONE! We sure love our smiley blue eyed red head! You get a lot of attention wherever we go and people always ask us where the hair comes from.  

This month has brought on new things, you are now army crawling/rolling to get where you want to go. Sometimes you will start on your knees bit for the most part you pull yourself with your arms and kick your feet. It is pretty stinking cute! You still just have your two bottom teeth but I think you’re working on getting the top ones. 

You LOVE food and just like big sister you make it known with your sounds while eating. It’s secretly my favorite thing. This month you have loved trying PB&J sandwiches, quesadillas, fruit cups, cheese sticks and popsicles! You have also mastered drinking from your sippy cup without my assistance, it’s also so dang cute! You tip your whole head back and drink, haha! 

We are so excited to spend your first summer in our finished backyard!! I have so many fun things I can’t wait to do and of course I’ve already got your first birthday pretty much fully planned! (I plan way in advance but I love it) Let the summer fun begin! (Once we get warmer weather of course) 

Love you Hailey Janey!

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Lexi Anne: Last Day of Preschool


Lexi girl, I can’t believe this school year is over for you! You have learned and grown so much in this year! You can recognize your letters and only mix up a few here and there. You know how to spell and write your first name and you have made so many cute new friends I can’t wait to see what this next year brings for you this fall! 

Today your dad and I attended your closing program and it was so cute. Mrs. Karissa taught you all some fun songs and you knew them all! You are quite the little performer and a cute one at that! Mrs. Karissa also wrote in your memory book that “you’re darling, and a joy to be around!” Of course I am biased but she is right! You’re such a sweetheart and we couldn’t be more proud of the beautiful girl you are, inside and out! 

We sure love you little girl, keep learning and growing, always remember you can do hard things! 

         Your cute teachers Mrs. Karissa and Mrs. Niki