Monday, October 31, 2016

21 Weeks!

Happy Halloween little lady!

Well we're 21 weeks this week, you are 12 ounces and 10 1/2 inches long the size of a carrot. This year since we can't dress you up we decided that daddy and I would be Skeleton's for Halloween and aunt Kori helped mommy make a vinyl cut out of a baby Skeleton. You look so cute as a vinyl cut out with your sparkly silver bow that I can't wait to hold you and dress you up!

Daddy had school today

and a big test later to study for, I went to work and participated in my works Halloween festivities. Every year my work has skits that we do with our teams and after that I wore my fun Skeleton costume for everyone to see. Everyone told me how cute it was and I was so proud of all the work your dad and I put into this years costumes. Well baby girl we sure do love you, keep growing healthy and strong!

Love Mommy and Daddy.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

20 Weeks!

Hi there little lady!

You are 20 weeks, you are 6 1/2 inches and 10 1/2 ounces this week! We are half way there! I can't believe it in 20 more weeks we'll have you here with us! I don't want to say this too loudly but I wish that would hurry up! Everyone says you need to cherish this time and I mean I am but I've waited so long for you I just want to hold you.

Your dad and I spent the weekend in Boise/Nampa with his family minus his brother Matt's family. :( We played with the kids and played some really fun games. Of course we ate some amazing food too. Your mom is not going to be as good a cook as your 2 grandmothers are but I'll do my best. :) Your dad was playing with your cousin Claire one night and leaned over to me and said "okay I am ready for our little girl to get here so I can play with her too." Your dad is so excited about you and it makes me so happy!

We love you so much little lady!

Mom and Dad

19 Weeks!

Hello Baby Girl!

Okay I have to admit that is still so weird for me to say, don't get me wrong I am so happy but I seriously thought you were going to be a Boy. But little lady we're so excited about you! Ashley and Aria are also so excited, you two will hopefully be as close as your mommies are. Well little lady you are 19 weeks and growing so big! You are 6 inches and 81/2 ounces this week, seriously we are just so thrilled and can't wait to meet you even more now that we know your gender.

Keep growing little lady we love you so much!

Mom and Dad.

Friday October 14th: Gender Reveal!

It's finally Friday and your dad and I are so excited to find out if you are a Boy or Girl!

I got up early today and headed off to work at 7 am. so I could get off at 3 pm. I luckily had enough to do at work to keep myself busy so I wasn't going stir crazy. Your dad had to go to school so I know that kept him busy enough as well. Once it was finally 3 pm. I excitedly clocked off and headed home to get ready.

I called aunt Ashley and she told me she would be heading over in a little bit to keep us company while we waited for 5:30 when the guests would arrive. Your Grandma and Grandpa Almond were able to come from Nampa but sadly Grandma and Grandpa Pope weren't able to drive up from Utah. I was able to reach your Aunt Emily (who by the way says she will be your favorite aunt) and she will be able to watch using FaceTime (I'll explain that to you later). I started curling my hair in order to keep my busy and then Ashley, Nathan and Aria came over around 4 pm.

Ashley had came over earlier while your dad and I were gone to decorate, it was super cute! She had blue and pink streamers on the ceiling, a football and tutu on our kitchen table with the drinks and cupcakes. Ashley and Kori decided to use an idea we had found where you take a black balloon and fill it with confetti in the color of your babies gender. I was so excited when I saw it, but I wont lie I almost popped it as she put it on the kitchen table.

I finished getting ready and then we hung out, talked and shared our guess as to what your gender was. Your dad was dead set that you were a girl and I had no doubt that you were a boy. Our theme for the gender reveal was Touch Downs or Tutus, so Ashley and Kori also made a cute football field for us to cast our votes with either a football or a tutu. We were almost 50/50 on the votes by the time everyone voted. Nathan, Ashley and Kori set up a Facebook page that was able to show the reveal live. It was so neat to see how many friends and family were able to log on to support us.

Finally it was 5 minutes to 6 and Ashley moved the black balloon that had your gender inside it closer to your dad and I in our living room. I opened up the box of pins that Ashley brought and we picked a color to use to pop that balloon. It was finally 6 pm. and your dad and I popped the balloon.

The confetti was PINK! You are a Girl! I was so shocked and happy I started to cry! Your dad just hugged me tight and told me he knew it, we are so excited!

We love you baby Girl!
Mom and Dad

October 11th: 18 Week Gender Ultrasound

Well today is the day we will be able to find out for your Aunts Ashley and Kori if you are a boy or girl. Let me explain what I mean. Your dad and I have decided to not look at the ultrasound and Ashley and Kori have offered to throw us a gender reveal party. Our appointment was at 1 pm after daddy's class got out for the day. We decided since he was already at school and close to the Hospital that he would meet me there. I worked until 12:45 pm and then headed off to the Hospital. I was so anxious but nervous that you wouldn't cooperate.

Well I was right! As the song on Tangled (Disney movie we'll watch together one day I am sure) says "Mother knows Best" haha I jinxed us! I never should have thought it or said it out loud because you must have heard me. When we got in the ultrasound tech wasn't able to see what you were. You politely had your legs crossed and were tucked in a ball sleeping, you little stinker (wink, wink). Sadly our ultrasound tech wasn't as nice as the one we had at 13 weeks and she wasn't really into trying to poke or shake my belly to get you to move. I was really disappointed because we had told her we didn't want to know the gender as we had a reveal scheduled for this coming Friday. She told us she couldn't get you to move, that you were measuring at 17 weeks and 5 days and that we should come back around 20 weeks. But you did wave at us and give us a thumbs up even though you weren't willing to reveal your gender.

So we went and talked to the receptionist Morgan who is amazing we just love her, and she was able to get us scheduled with Heather our tech from 13 weeks for tomorrow 10/12, I just hope you will be more up for revealing your gender tomorrow.

10/13 2nd Ultrasound for Gender Reveal:

Okay little one I gave you a little pep talk so I hope you were listening (there will be more of those throughout your life I am sure). We were scheduled this time for 11:15 am since dad didn't have class in the morning. I went to work like normal and then your dad picked me up for the appointment at 11 am. He brought me an orange Fanta soda to drink because I heard that can help as well. We got there at 11:13 am and Morgan checked us in, Heather came out right at 11:15 am and we went back for the ultrasound. I told her that we didn't want to know the gender due to our party and that you were stubborn yesterday. She assured me we would get the gender today, so that helped me feel more at ease.

Once again you had your legs politely crossed and you weren't willing to budge. She tried pushing, poking, prodding and shaking my belly and you still didn't budge. She told me she was 85% sure she knew but didn't want to be wrong.We eventually got out this buzzer that they have that makes a vibrating sound to see if that would agitate you enough to move. were pretty adamant about not giving up the gender again. But Heather was so sweet and she had me empty my bladder and try laying on my sides. We kept shaking and pushing and I even drank some soda. We gave it a few more good pushes, and trust me they were good because they hurt! And then you flinched and straightened out your legs. Haha. Well that was a lot closer than we were at the beginning. Heather had me roll over on my right side towards her again and then we shook my belly and pushed on it a couple times and Heather quickly said "close your eyes." We were finally able to get some good gender pictures. By the end she sounded a lot more confident in saying on the picture what you were and I was so excited. I had her put it in the envelope and seal it and then we drove to Ashley's work and gave it to her.

We are so excited to find out this Friday 10/14, Ashley and Kori have put a lot of work into this party and I feel so blessed to have such amazing friends for you to call Aunt! Well my stubborn sweet little baby I hope you know how loved you are, your dad and I are getting more and more anxious for March but we are willing to wait patiently for you to keep "cooking." This week you are 5 1/2 inches and 7 ounces, I read that the next few weeks will be growing spurts for you I am excited to hopefully start feeling more consistent movements. We love you little one!

Love Mom and Dad

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

17 Weeks

Hello little one, I am so proud of myself I am actually writing this a lot sooner than I normally do yay! :) You are growing so big and guess what?? I can feel little flutters from you moving. I can't really tell if its a kick or not just yet but when you move sometimes I feel little "butterflies" or what would feel like gas bubbles people say. But sometimes if I don't remember feeling flutters I get a little nervous, which is totally silly because you're not big enough yet for it to be consistent. Luckily we have the heart beat monitor which has really saved mom from freaking out. Haha.

This is such a fun feeling for me, but your poor dad is anxious to feel your movements.  I am so lucky as your mom I get to experience a lot of your firsts while you're still growing but trust me daddy will be right there for all the others once you get here. We can't wait to find out if you are a boy or a girl! Everyone keeps asking if we have a preference but all I care about is a happy healthy baby. This week you are 5 ounces and 5 inches so about the size of a Turnip. Well little one we sure do love you!

Love Mom and Dad.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Weeks 13-16

Time is sure flying by, I tell myself each week that I will write and the next thing I know that week is gone and the new one started. I am going to keep trying to remember to get something at least written during the week but we'll see.

Week 13: Mommy and Daddy had their first ultrasound with Dr. Jones, since we officially graduated the fertility clinic Dr. Jones will be seeing us each month. We were so anxious to see you since we had just announced the day before our ultrasound that you were coming in March. My appointment wasn't scheduled until 1 pm that afternoon, mainly because Daddy has school until Noon Tuesdays and we wanted him there. I met your dad upstairs at the Women's Health Clinic and we both were so excited and anxious to see you.

The ultrasound tech came and got us at 1:07 pm. and we were got full of smiles when we entered the room, she asked if this was our first baby and we said yes. She told us this was going to be the best part of our day, and it certainly was. You were so cute, you kept moving and doing somersaults in my belly. I wish I could've felt you but she told me it would be a few more weeks before I could actually notice I was feeling you move. I took your pictures to work and everyone kept saying how cute you looked already, Aunt Melissa even thinks you look like your daddy. :) Well little one we sure do love you keep growing! 

Week 14: You are changing more and more each week, you are now 3.5 inches long and weigh 1.5 ounces. You are the size of a Lemon this week. I am so anxious to feel you move, and also to find out if you're a boy or girl. But we have a few more weeks before that will happen. We love you sweet baby!

Week 15: You are now the size of an Apple, mommy's co worker Lindsay is loving that this week. She calls you baby A since you were once a Twin but also because our last name is Almond. Anyway you are getting bigger each week, you are now 4 inches long and weigh 2.5 ounces. Our friends Ryan and Caitlin Fauvell let us borrow their heart monitor and we were able to hear your heart beat this week at home! Which of course made mommy and daddy's whole night even better! We love you little one!

Week 16: Wow, it is so crazy to me to think in just 3 weeks we will know if you are a little boy or girl, it's starting to feel more real this week. Since mommy and daddy have waited so long for you up until now this has felt like a dream to me. I am starting to feel you move! Its hard to describe but it feels like little flutters and it tickles from time to time. But I love it so much! You are 4.5 inches long now and weigh 3.5 ounces, this week you are the size of an Avacado! :) Love you sweetheart keep growing!

Love Mommy and Daddy!