Saturday, October 29, 2016

Friday October 14th: Gender Reveal!

It's finally Friday and your dad and I are so excited to find out if you are a Boy or Girl!

I got up early today and headed off to work at 7 am. so I could get off at 3 pm. I luckily had enough to do at work to keep myself busy so I wasn't going stir crazy. Your dad had to go to school so I know that kept him busy enough as well. Once it was finally 3 pm. I excitedly clocked off and headed home to get ready.

I called aunt Ashley and she told me she would be heading over in a little bit to keep us company while we waited for 5:30 when the guests would arrive. Your Grandma and Grandpa Almond were able to come from Nampa but sadly Grandma and Grandpa Pope weren't able to drive up from Utah. I was able to reach your Aunt Emily (who by the way says she will be your favorite aunt) and she will be able to watch using FaceTime (I'll explain that to you later). I started curling my hair in order to keep my busy and then Ashley, Nathan and Aria came over around 4 pm.

Ashley had came over earlier while your dad and I were gone to decorate, it was super cute! She had blue and pink streamers on the ceiling, a football and tutu on our kitchen table with the drinks and cupcakes. Ashley and Kori decided to use an idea we had found where you take a black balloon and fill it with confetti in the color of your babies gender. I was so excited when I saw it, but I wont lie I almost popped it as she put it on the kitchen table.

I finished getting ready and then we hung out, talked and shared our guess as to what your gender was. Your dad was dead set that you were a girl and I had no doubt that you were a boy. Our theme for the gender reveal was Touch Downs or Tutus, so Ashley and Kori also made a cute football field for us to cast our votes with either a football or a tutu. We were almost 50/50 on the votes by the time everyone voted. Nathan, Ashley and Kori set up a Facebook page that was able to show the reveal live. It was so neat to see how many friends and family were able to log on to support us.

Finally it was 5 minutes to 6 and Ashley moved the black balloon that had your gender inside it closer to your dad and I in our living room. I opened up the box of pins that Ashley brought and we picked a color to use to pop that balloon. It was finally 6 pm. and your dad and I popped the balloon.

The confetti was PINK! You are a Girl! I was so shocked and happy I started to cry! Your dad just hugged me tight and told me he knew it, we are so excited!

We love you baby Girl!
Mom and Dad

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