Hailey I can't believe you are already a month old, this month has brought on some crazy times and some fun times! We started off with you loosing way to much weight for my liking, you were born 5 lbs. 9 oz and when we left the hospital you were 4 lbs. 13 oz. at your first Dr appointment you hadn't gained much so we decided to put you on a supplement schedule to help you gain. It was a rough start, because you are considered a preemie baby it was hard to get you to wake up to eat and get you to eat the whole time. But with lots of persistence and trail and error we have figured that out.
I am happy to report that by the time you went in for your 2 week check up you had gained weight you were 5 lbs. 7 oz and were almost back to your birth weight! The doctor told us to keep up our supplement routine and to continue bringing you in to get your weight checked. I took you in last Thursday (8.20.20) and I am thrilled to report you are now 6 lbs. 5 oz!! Hooray!
Lexi absolutely adores you, she has to be right by your or in your face constantly. :) You have been practicing some tummy time, its never a favorite for you kids at the beginning but you are getting better each time. You have been more alert lately and love to watch your surroundings. We have had fun watching you observe things and can't wait for more fun milestones! You are currently wearing preemie and newborn clothes and have just moved out of preemie diapers to newborn. You are my first baby to fit into preemie things and its cute but also a little scary.
This month has brought on lots of visitors, aunt Hillary and her family, the young women's presidency in our ward that I serve with, and lots of cherished friends! Because I got postpartum depression with your sister I have really made an effort to get us out of the house at least twice a week so that we can enjoy the sunshine and friends.
Hailey you are such a joy to our family, we're so happy you are here with us and we can't wait to watch you continue to grow and learn in the coming months!
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