Happy half Birthday Hailey Jane! What a crazy month we’ve had, my family came at the beginning of the month to celebrate our Christmas. We had so much fun playing games, decorating sugar cookies, eating way too much food and enjoying each other’s company. The week after they left sadly we all (well minus you, Lexi and your dad) got the virus. It was not a fun 10 days in quarantine, but we survived.
You continue to be our happy smiley girl! This month you have started more solid foods. We had already introduced you to rice cereal and then before Christmas we started oatmeal cereal. We added applesauce, bananas and green beans to the list. So far the green beans are the only food you seem unsure about right now. You are such a light to our family, we adore your smiles and laughs and you adore watching your big sister. She is your biggest entertainment haha.
You are wearing size 3-6 month clothing (mostly 6 months), size 2 diapers but we might be close to going up a size. We had your check up this morning and you weigh 14 lbs 2 oz and you’re 24 3/4 inches. You can roll from your belly to your back but you prefer to just lay on your back. You aren’t quite sitting up all on your own yet but you’re very close. You’ve been blowing raspberries and you love to suck in your 3 fingers. You typically have 1 maybe 2 feedings in the am with about 3-4 naps in the day. We love watching you learn and grow each day.
Love you Hailey Janey!
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