Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Hailey Jane: 11 Months


Hailey Jane, it’s so hard to believe that you’re eleven months already! They say time is a thief and man they aren’t lying, these months just seem to keep flying by. 

What a fun beginning to summer we’ve had! Where we live the schools offer free lunches for kids at a few local parks, so naturally I have been taking you and Lexi practically every day. It’s a good way to get some of your sisters energy out and for all of us to get outdoors to see and play with some friends each day, so it’s a win win! 

We’ve been to our local splash pad here a handful of times, went to the zoo with your dad, did half price family night at our local pool and have had so many BBQ’s I’ve lost count! We celebrated your daddy this month for Fathers Day and had our Almond family reunion in Island Park. You rode on a boat for the first time but the life jacket was definitely not a favorite of yours! Haha 

You are still our petite little girl still wearing size 3 diapers 9 month and a few 12 month clothes but we aren’t sure what you weigh right now. I know you’re gaining because you’re getting heavier to hold ha! You still get A LOT of attention wherever we go, it’s that darn cute red hair and toothy grin that gets them every time! You have 2 bottom teeth 1 top tooth and are working on cutting the second top tooth. You still love your solids, I joke with family and friends that I could stop nursing and you wouldn’t care…which is probably more true than I think. You’ve been loving the food at the lunch at the parks mostly PB&J’s but you’ve also tried the chicken sandwich, double cheeseburger and nuggets there and have seemed to enjoy those. 

You’re still army crawling, but after our family reunion I have seen you get up on your knees and rock back and forth a few times so we’re getting there. I bet you’ll be full on crawling here in the next week or so. You still sleep 2 naps a day and all night which is AMAZING!! You’ve become more vocal with some growls, more babble and you’ve said mum a few times so I’ll take it. But mostly you say dada and laugh when we try to get you to repeat “mom.” You’ve also started to wave occasionally and it’s pretty darn cute as well! 

We sure love you Hailey bug, you’re such a sweet addition to our little family and I am so grateful I get to be your mom! 

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