So as everyone read we were able to collect 15 eggs during our egg retrieval, and they told us that they would start fertilizing them and then would call us on Day 1 and Day 3 to let us know how we were progressing.
6/18: Day 1 Embryo Assessment yesterday (6/17) we collected 15 eggs, they noticed 11 were mature eggs (which is what we want) and after fertilizing them we have 9 eggs going strong. We will hear more on Monday and transfer day will be Wednesday June 22nd.
6/20: Day 3 Embryo Assessment was today, on Saturday we had 11 mature eggs 9 of those fertilized. Today when they called they told me anything that is 6 cells or higher would most likely make it to day 5 which is the day we implant. So out of the 9 mature eggs today we have 8! On Wednesday we will decide how many to implant. Yay!
**Side note if you read my Facebook you already saw those posts but I wanted to share for those who hadn't read them.
I found this on Google and got a laugh.
6/21: Day before Transfer day- Well to start off we got a phone call from Amberlie, she told me that I would need to arrive at the clinic at 12:30 pm (tomorrow) to take my Valium and that the procedure would be at 1 pm. I asked a few questions and then went on with the day. I got some great news today my best friend Ashley had her sweet baby girl, they named her Aria Noel. I was able to see pictures of her but didn't want to bother Ashley too much so she could recover. My mom, Emily, Justin and I went and saw the Jungle Book and went to The Blaze pizza for dinner. After that my cousin Kristen invited us over to watch the USA Men's soccer game. The game was a let down. :(
I had trouble sleeping that night, mostly anxious and some nerves kept me tossing and turning. I think I finally fell asleep by 2:30 and woke up around 8 when Emily left to the temple with some friends. I got up and washed my face the normal wake up routine, but I was so tired I laid back down to try and get some more sleep. I wasn't successful, instead I went downstairs to eat breakfast and then got ready for the day. After that I was able to FaceTime Ashley and see baby Aria it was good to see them both.
12:20 pm.- We arrived at the clinic and checked in, the nurse told me to go ahead and take the Valium if I hadn't already. Boy did it work, any nerves or anxiety I felt was soon gone. I just laid on Justin's shoulder and watched Tv until Lindsay called us back. Side note she is one of my favorite nurses! She told me the normal routine undress from the waist down and that Dr. Conway would be in to talk about our Embroys in a few minutes. While I sat on the table waiting I remember looking up at the screen of the ultrasound machine and bursting into laughter, confused by this Justin asked what was so funny? I told him I didn't know but that for some reason I couldn't stop laughing. He just laughed at me and Dr. Conway came in a couple minutes later.
My lucky socks the clinic gave me, super cute!
She let us know that out of the 8 embryos we had two grade 2 embryos which is strong, no one really ever gets a grade 1. She said they wanted to "Blast" (not sure what the exactly meant) the remaining 5 embryos tonight and that they would call me to let me know how many we would be able to freeze once they knew. After that she said "so you want to transfer both today?" And we both agreed that was what we would like to do. Dr. Conway stepped out to put on her hair net and mask and gloves and then came back in prepared for transfer. The embryologist came in shortly after and we were able to watch Dr. Conway transfer our 2 embryos.
Waiting for the Dr.
our strongest embryos
its hard to see but the bright air bubble is where the embryos are (towards the left)
After we were done I had to lay on the bed for 15-20 minutes, once that was over we drove back to my parents house and I went straight upstairs to begin my bed rest "princess days." The first half day wasn't too terrible as most the day was gone anyway but I am not someone who can sit still for very long especially not in the same place. But lucky me I had my amazing husband, mom and sister to keep me busy.
Princess Day 1: My morning started off with my sweet husband making me breakfast, followed by Emily and I catching up on 2 of our favorite tv shows the Bachelorette and Pretty Little Liars. After that my sweet family entertained me with playing a couple board games with me in bed. We played "Sorry" and "Disney Trivia" (of course if you know me I love Disney). After that I took a little nap and then we watched a movie as a family.
Emily french braided my hair
Zupas for dinner so spoiled!
Princess Day 2: I was really wanting waffles and Justin promptly went downstairs found a recipe and made them for me. He's a sweetheart! After that Justin and I watched Elementary and had lunch. His sister was moving into her new house that night so he went to help her move and my mom and I watched Downton Abbey. So all in all my 2 days of bed rest weren't as bad as I thought.
My yummy waffles
So what's next you ask? Well we will be taking a blood pregnancy test on Friday July 1st. I know that I have been pretty open during this whole process and haven't left much out. But since this is pretty big to Justin and I we have decided regardless the outcome we will wait until we are ready to let everyone know either a yes or a no. We will tell our family most likely that day, but you will probably not see anything on Facebook or this blog for awhile. I hope you call all understand and appreciate our reasons for waiting. I want to take this time to let you all know how grateful Justin and I are for your continued love and support. The outpouring of love and prayers on our behalf have touched us! We are truly grateful and feel so blessed to have so many wonderful family and friends. Please continue to pray for us, we are excited, anxious and a little nervous but mostly EXCITED! Again thank you so, so much for everything we love you all!
The Almonds