Sunday, May 3, 2020

23 Weeks Baby Girl#2

April 23, 2020

Hello sweet baby! This week has flown by so quickly I can't even believe it, we have just been enjoying our beautiful spring weather. Spring is one of my favorite seasons, really I like all the seasons but Winter haha I don't like snow and cold. But I love Christmas and the holidays surrounding the winter months so I make the most of it. Anyway we've had such nice weather your sister and I have been taking walks, playing with friends in the backyard and having picnic lunches as much as we can!

I was busy this week putting together a fun care package to send to uncle Brady, he is graduating from Snow College on May 2nd but due to the virus normal graduation ceremonies were canceled. I feel so bad for all the high school seniors and college graduates who have worked so hard and won't be able to celebrate like others have. So I made sure to make Brady's day special even if we can't be there with him. I am excited to see everyone on a video chat its been a long time since I've seen all of my siblings and parents. 

This week has been full of more and more kicks, a little less insomnia and lots of sunshine and fun! You are the size of a large Mango so about 11 inches long and weighing about 1 pound now! It's crazy to me how quickly these last few weeks have been going but we are excited because it means we're closer to meeting you! Keep growing sweet baby!

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